Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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Ankle GPS monitors for your kids are now available

     All 4 of my kids rarely agree on any subject. The one thing they are unanimous about is that I worry to much. Especially about all of them.  They are all adults now and I still worry. I think most parents are like me.  I've found that I worry a little less each year. Probably because as they've grown older I've trusted them to make good decisions even more.

     I think paying attention to your kids when they're young is the key to trusting them as they get older. By paying attention I mean spending time with them.  Teenagers don't want to hang out with mom or dad. However, mom and dad can take time each day to ask their kids how they're doing and how they're day was. If you do this there's a better chance they'll trust you enough to come to you when they need help. Even now that's really all I want from all of my kids.

     Of course, if you and your kids don't trust each other you can now by a GPS ankle monitor. Pretty much the same kind of ankle monitor they put on criminals. Tampa Bay Monitoring is selling an ankle monitor they claim is almost impossible to cut off. It emits a 95 decibel siren if your teen blows curfew which signals parents to call the company. Then an employee will activate a speaker telling the teen to come home or police will be called. The cost for all of this is $300.00 a month. 

     Unless you have a good reason to distrust your son or daughter is this really worth it?    

Source: Quartz

A non GPS ankle bracelet

Photo by Pixabay

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