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Steve Andrews

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Sky McDonough sentenced in Milford

     Yesterday afternoon in the Pike County Courthouse in Milford Sky McDonough was sentenced to up to 40 years in prison.  A few months ago he admitted to murdering his 17 year old girlfriend Leanna Walker in 2016 on a llama farm where he used to work.  Then in an attempt to cover up the murder he burned and buried her body on the farm. 

     McDouough apologized to the Walker family before he was sentenced. He will spend at least 21 years in prison and could spend up to 42 years behind bars. That means he could be in prison until he is nearly 70. 

     McDonough's defense attorney Micheal Weinstein blamed mental illness for the murder. saying: "He's a young man who had serious mental issues and a lot of emotional trauma....I think you never know why when mental illness is involved." McDonough said nothing after he was sentenced.  

     Pike County District Attorney Ray Tonkin said he was "Satisfied the judge imposed the maximum sentence."  Comments on the Facebook page Justice for Leanna Walker included: "May he rot," "Hope he dies in prison" and "Amen." 

Source: WBRE 

Source: PAHomepage

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McDonough sentenced

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