The most surprising fact I noticed when I saw this story was the ages of the men who were arrested. Roger Kelly from Hamburg is 70. Ken Poust from Wantage is 52. Keith Andreasen from Ogdensburg is 46. Andreasen is still at large. The ring leader is allegedly 41 year old Micheal Swanson of Hackensack.
The Morris County Prosecutors Office says a total of 17 individuals have been charged. Four of them have not been found. The drug ring was a "full service drug distribution network" according to the prosecutors office. The people who bought the cocaine from Swanson then traveled to several counties in New Jersey to sell the drug.
More than 150 grams of cocaine were confiscated after search warrants were approved. The investigation went on for more than a year. Swanson is in the most trouble facing charges for being the leader of a cocaine distribution ring. Kelly, Poust and Andreasen are facing charges that include possession with intent to distribute cocaine.
Source: New Jersey Herald and NJ.COM
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