Driving to Long Island is not one of my favorite things to do. It has been several weeks since we saw Gracie so the trip was necessary. Hopefully, Kim and Gracie will be moving back to Pennsylvania soon. The 5 hours on the road was all worth it because we had a very nice day. Especially when I pulled up to the house and Kim opened the door. Miss Gracie saw me at the end of the driveway and screamed "grandpa!" Then ran as fast as her little legs could carry her with her arms extended all the way to my waiting arms. Paul Anka did a song in the 1970's called: "The Times of Your Life." Those few moments Saturday afternoon are now one of mine.
After I took Kim and Gracie to lunch we went to an indoor play center and watched Gracie have a fun time. I enjoyed myself too. This play center even offered free coffee for grown ups! I know it's only coffee but the hospitality really made us feel welcome.
Sunday was all about trying to get the house in order after the holidays. I finally got all the Christmas decorations in the attic while my son James cleaned out his clothes closet. Then James cooked us breakfast. Which was delicious Nutmeg and Cinnamon French Toast.
I did have a crisis on Saturday Night. The batteries went dead in the remote for my Amazon Fires Stick. We couldn't change the channel because I had no batteries and couldn't even figure out how to open the remote. Once again James came to the rescue. It took him 5 seconds to open the remote after I bought fresh batteries on Sunday. I guess I'm getting old. I can't even open a T.V. remote without help these days. Why have even the simple things become complicated?
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