Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "Stuffed the Bus" Weekend in pictures

It's hard to believe we've been doing Stuff the Bus for 14 years already. There are always families and individuals in need. That's why it's so important to help others during the holiday season. Everything we put in the busses stays in Sussex County. Volunteers from the Sussex County Department of Social Services Food Pantry get the all the food that's donated (including frozen turkeys) to local families who need them. This year Lakeland Bank and Shop Rite Partners in Caring sponsored our Stuff the Bus mission all over Sussex County. The best moment of the whole weekend for me was when my son James stopped by to see me at Shop Rite in Franklin. He was delivering Sara Lee bread and baked goods. It was a great surprise to see him. Here are more pictures from our live broadcasts at Shop Rite in Franklin and Sparta. Thank You to everyone who was able to give.

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