My grand children got a couple of late Christmas gifts on Friday. They're called Hoverboards. They way kids can move around on them is amazing. My grand daughter scoots all around the house on hers. My two year old grandson is still learning to talk but his is already displaying his agility on a hoverboard too. I'm considering moving all my upstairs furniture downstairs o give them more room. I'm just kidding, of course, but I don't think my grand kids would mind. I did a few home improvement projects too. My ceiling fans are now dust and dirt free. My 25 year old Kenmore dryer looks like new thanks to some appliance white gloss spray paint. Since it was cold on Sunday it was a good opportunity to catch up on some shows I wanted to watch on Netflix. I finished season 4 of Cobra Kai and started watching Manifest. In between I watched the very popular Netflix film "Don't look up." Which has been panned by movie critics. I do agree with the critics on this one. "Don't look up" is billed as a comedy satire and has an all star cast. There were some good moments but it went on way too long.