I love owning my own home and living with my grand kids. However, there are times when both can be a challenge! My original weekend plans were going to be starting to do our taxes, shoveling snow, making pizza and watching a few more new episodes of "Ozark" on Netflix. I did manage to do all four. But not before several other problems came up that needed my immediate attention. On Friday Night as we all peacefully slept under the covers a loud noise started coming from the kitchen. It sounded like a drill on the side of the refrigerator. After about 10 minutes it stopped. Everyone went back to bed but I knew this was something I'd have to deal with in the morning. When we woke up everything inside my 10 year old refrigerator was melting. So my daughter and I had to try to save all the food we had in the freezer and refrigerator. Luckily I have an old spare refrigerator in the basement. It's over 25 years old and still runs well. We put as much food as we could in that refrigerator. Then put the rest in boxes out on the back deck. Since it was about 10 degrees everything stayed frozen until we could figure out what was wrong with the kitchen refrigerator. When Kim's boyfriend came home we took off the back of the refrigerator and vacuumed all the dirt and dust off the coils and compressor. Then he unscrewed the panel inside the refrigerator where the noise was coming from. Several ice cubes had fallen behind the ice maker and they were jamming the freezer fan. Since the fan couldn't move the compressor shut down. We cleaned out the now defrosting ice and put everything back together. Hopefully, with coils free of dirt and the fan moving properly we fixed the problem. As of this morning, everything is working fine. Now to my grand children. When I got up Saturday morning I noticed their hover boards had seriously damaged my kitchen floor. Since Christmas I've telling my daughter: "Hoverboards don't belong in the house!" Now my $2000 kitchen floor is damaged. Now the hover boards are put away and my daughter will have to get someone to fix the floor. Luckily, I have several extra vinyl planks. One thing I've figured out after being around for 6 decades is that even when bad things happen something good is just around the corner. Sunday Morning was bitter cold and I thought about not taking Gracie to Sunday School. We went in spite of the cold. It lifted my spirits to see so many kids were there in spite of the cold. Gracie made a beautiful dove after learning about the story of John the Baptist. The the dove that arrived during Jesus Baptism was the Holy Spirit. Then Sunday afternoon my son Matt and his wife Jess stopped by with a present to ease my stress. A brand new flavored coffee to try from Entenmann's!
1 of 7 My temporary freezer Photo: Steve Andrews
2 of 7 Hover board damage
3 of 7 Old faithful from 1996. My Rusty's pic is still on the door Photo: Steve Andrews
4 of 7 Hopefully fixed nowPhoto: Steve Andrews
5 of 7 My gift from Matt and Jess. I could use some. Photo: Steve Andrews
6 of 7 Bolboli Pizza two weekends in a rowPhoto: Steve Andrews
7 of 7 Gracie's dovePhoto: Steve Andrews