This weekend just flew by. After last weekend's snow and refrigerator crisis this past weekend was very quiet. Our major accomplishment took much less time than expected. Replacing several vinyl planks of damaged flooring in my dining room only took about 15 minutes. Thank God I had extra planks left over from when the floor was put down 10 years ago. Now the floor is perfect again! Since the floor repair went so smoothly. I had extra time to get all caught up on Ozark on Netflix. Then watch Jaws 2 on one of the channels that plays old movies. I know I'm in the minority but I liked the second Jaws movie almost as much as the first. Maybe because I was the same age as all the teenagers in the movie when it came out. All I could think of at the time was how cool it would be to live near a beach and have a sailboat. While I was running my errands on Sunday I stopped by Home Depot to pick up a few things. While I was there I decided to see what kind of inexpensive rugs they had to protect my dining room floor from the grand kids hover boards and electric cars. There was a very tacky 8 by 10 rug marked down to $50 bucks. It was originally $249 bucks. Obviously, it was not going to sell for that price because it was not very attractive. For our purposes the rug was a great deal. So I picked it up. I was pleasantly surprised when we put it down in my dining room. It's very soft and now we don't have to walk on a cold floor in the morning. Check out the picture below and see what you think. My grandkids went to a birthday party for a few hours on Saturday too. The pictures my daughter took of them in the ball pit were adorable. One Sunday my niece came by with her 3 kids and the house was very crowded. There was one very nice moment where Chris and Gracie both curled up next to me on the couch. Wonderful grandpa moments like that are what keep me going.
1 of 5 My now repaired dining room floorPhoto: Steve Andrews
2 of 5 My tacky carpet that gets the job done Photo: Steve Andrews
3 of 5 My nice grandpa moment Photo: Kim Davis
4 of 5 Kids in ball pits. So much fun!Photo: Kim Davis
5 of 5 Miss Gracie in the ball pit Photo: Kim Davis