Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "I didn't have to cook" Easter Weekend in Pictures

The best part of this Easter Weekend for me was seeing my two sons and someone else doing the cooking. My son Matt got a smoker from his wife for Christmas. So for Easter Dinner we all went to Matt's house for a roasted and smoked turkey dinner. It was by far the best turkey I've ever had. My daughter, two sons and two grand kids all had a wonderful time. Many of the pictures in this post were taken by my daughter in law Jess and Matt. Gracie and Christopher loved decorating and then eating their Easter cookies from Uncle Matt and Aunt Jess. I also purchased my first (of hopefully several) hydrangea bushes to brighten up my front yard. Gracie and Christopher enjoyed taking rides on their dad's new riding mower too. It was very cold in Matamoras for my church's first Easter Sunrise Service in many years. Those who came were full of love and Christian spirit. The sunrise itself was beautiful.

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