Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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"Burke Bunch" quadruplets graduate from Vernon Township High School

The "Burke Bunch" graduated from Vernon Township High School last night. All four of them were in the top 15 of their graduating class. The three girls and one boy all went through the Vernon Township School together. They may share the same exact birthday but their future plans are all very different. Jimmy loves history and would like to go to law school one day. Morgan is a gifted musician. She plays many instruments including piano, drums, trumpet and flute. Morgan's dream career would include being a high school band director. Shannon's has a gift for learning languages as well as music. She speaks Spanish and is learning Japanese. Shannon also played in the Vernon Township high School Jazz Band. Lindsey wants to have a career in robotics. She earned a full ride scholarship to New Jersey Institute of Technology. Jimmy, Morgan and Shannon will begin classes at Sussex County Community College this fall. Their tuition at SCCC will be covered by the N.J. Stars Program. Their mom Monae told NJ.COM when they started school it was like having "built in friends." Jimmy said since they all had to take the same classes they could "support each other" doing school work. As a parent all I can say is their mom and dad did an amazing job. Congratulations and all the best to each of you Jimmy, Shannon, Morgan and Lindsay!

Source: NJ.COM

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Photo: Getty Images/EyeEm

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