Being a grandpa is so wonderful. It was way to hot to spend much time outside this weekend. We did spend a few hours in our backyard pool both mornings before it got too hot. The water was very refreshing. I made one trip to the supermarket with Christopher on Sunday. Which became a comical experience! I asked him if he was going to be good if I didn't strap him into the seat and let him ride in the basket. He said "yes goppy" and pointed to the basket. I only needed a few things so I gave him some freedom. His freedom turned into my adventure. I said: "Christopher don't poke your fingers into the chopped meat." Five seconds later his fingers were in the chopped meat. Then he opened the door to the frozen food case while I was walking past. Then hung on as I tried to yank him away. Right after that he picked up a 2 liter bottle of soda from the carriage. Before I could stop him, it was on the floor! Lucky for me it didn't break or open. All of this happened in less than 10 minutes! When he wasn't looking for trouble he was riding in front of the carriage like he was flying a plane. I've learned my lesson.
My garden flowers and vegetables are doing beautifully so far. The early hot humid conditions has my cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers growing ahead of schedule. Last night we had a true "farm to table" dinner. I grilled fresh sweet Italian sausage from a local farm with three fresh picked green peppers from my garden. We all loved it!