I live about a quarter mile from the Upper Delaware River near the Matamoras Boat Launch. Countless times I've seen the rescue boats racing to the river to try to save people from drowning. The most dangerous month to drown in the Delaware River is July. The second most dangerous is August. In the Upper Delaware there have been 73 drownings over the past 50 years. Farther south in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation area over 100 people have drowned. Parts of both sections of the river look calm enough to swim across. Many have tried it. Sometimes they make it and sometimes they don't. The current in the middle of the river is strong and there are some very deep ruts. People enjoying the river on tubes and kayaks drown too. Their big mistake is not wearing a life jacket. This week park rangers posted this reminder on Facebook: "If we could only give one piece of advice about visiting the park to everyone it would be to wear a life jacket." Over the years I've personally known two families who lost someone they love on the Upper Delaware. I also know several of the volunteer fireman who are the ones who rush to try and save the people who are drowning. Most of the times it's young men in their teens and 20's. All I can say to these young guys is think of how much pain your loved ones would feel if they lost you. Put on a life jacket for them...please.
Source: New Jersey Herald
The Delaware River near my home in Matamoras Photo: Steve Andrews