It's been decades since I've owned a pair of jeans. I've always preferred to wear nice khaki's or dress pants. Recently I lady friend of mine jokingly took a picture of me from behind. Then sent it to me with the suggestion that I purchase a pair of jeans. I thought why not? Stop being weird about jeans. Everybody wears them. So I finally got with the program this weekend. I took my daughter and grandkids with me for assistance with my purchase. As it turns out I didn't need them. There was one pair of DKNY jeans on the rack at TJ Max that was my exact size. My daughter approved of the brand. So now I own a pair of jeans. I wore them to the radio station this morning. They're so comfortable. I shouldn't have waited so long!
The rest of the weekend I pretty much took it easy. I did do a few other things. Saturday night I caught up with my cousin Roger in Arizona and my cousin John in Portland. I'm an only child. These two cousins are like brothers o me. Most of our conversation was spent talking about retiring. They both plan to retire very soon. I'm still a few years off. They want me to join them in retirement much sooner. So we can enjoy much more time together. I love them both so much. I'm really considering what they had to say.
On Sunday I worked on my application for unclaimed funds that belonged to my dad. I discovered this money was there after Kim's boyfriend randomly checked The State of New Jersey Treasury Department website. My dad passed away 31 years ago. Toward the end of his life he struggled with finances and his health. I thought all that was left when he passed was life insurance. As it turns out he was owed money and he was repaid after he died. He and my mom also forgot about a small bank account they had. The savings account goes back to when I was a small child. Which leads me to believe my grandma may have started the account. I had no idea this money was there. One day I'll get into how long it has taken to try and pry this small amount money out of the state treasury. It has taken many months. This weekend I prepared the final applications. The Hudson County Surrogate's Office has been compassionate, patient and helpful through the entire process.
On Sunday I made a batch of fresh chicken cutlets for dinner.
The "Comedy Gold" moment of the weekend came from my grandson Christopher. He's almost three years old and repeats what he hears like a parrot. While we were shopping for my jeans his sister wasn't behaving. So my daughter told he "Next time you're not coming." Out in the parking lot as I was walking to the car with Christopher he looked at me and said: "Grandpa next time you're not coming." So funny!
I hope you enjoy this weekend's picture's below.
1 of 6 Not quite "Born in the USA" hot but still hotPhoto: Steve Andrews
2 of 6 Yea I'm hot in my new jeansPhoto: Steve Andrews
3 of 6 My wonderful cousins with me a few years ago at Dodger Stadium Photo: Steve Andrews
4 of 6 Some of the paperwork for my unclaimed funds case Photo: Steve Andrews
5 of 6 My hand breaded chicken cutlets turned out great Photo: Steve Andrews
6 of 6 Grandpa "next time you're not coming"Photo: Steve Andrews