Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "Carnivore Christopher" Weekend in Pictures

This weekend I spent most of my time being pretty aggressive about removing stuff we don't need anymore from the attic and basement store room. To save time in the kitchen I decided to make a nice pot roast in the slow cooker. Which would be dinner on Saturday with left overs on Sunday. The major item I removed from the attic was a very large artificial Christmas Tree we haven't put up in years. It was all the way in the back of the attic. After a lot of pulling and struggling I finally got it out of the attic and onto the pile of other items heading to the junk yard. The big problem in my downstairs storage area was a big old futon. Which I took my time taking apart and bringing upstairs. I feel like I really accomplished something this weekend. That old futon and Christmas Tree annoyed me every time I had to look at them.

The pot roast was probably one of the best I ever made. A friend of mine recently told me to add beef barley soup to my normal recipe So I gave it a try. Saturday morning I got up early and browned the roast on all sides. Then cut up the potatoes, carrots and onions. The soup was the last ingredient. Which I dumped on top of everything else. I've always loved cooking for my family. Watching my grandson Christopher enjoy the roast made me very happy. My grand daughter and my youngest son James don't like red meat. Now I can happy say there's a new beef loving carnivore in the family. Just like his mommy and grandpa.

Speaking of my grandson. He once again provided the comedy gold picture of the weekend. One of the items we decided to get rid of was Gracie's old toy kitchen, She doesn't play with it anymore and it's broken in several places. We moved it into the living room a few days ago. Pretty soon it will be going to the junk yard with everything else. In the meantime, Christopher has been climbing on top of it and jumping off! OMG this little boy!

I hope you enjoy this weeks pictures.

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