Watching my grand children experience things for the first time never gets old. It's one of the best things in my life. My oldest son Dave lives downstairs and has always loved having a fish tank. I bought him his first tropical fish aquarium when he was 11. Uncle Dave has a big fish tank in his room now and my grandson just loves seeing all the fish swimming around. I had no plans Saturday afternoon So when I heard Dave was taking a trip to the pet store in Middletown and planned to take Christopher I decided to join them. My grandson reaction to seeing all the fish and fish tanks was priceless. Running up and down the aisles, jumping up and down and even squealing a few times. When we got home he loved watching Uncle Dave add the new fish to his aquarium. I have a feeling I'll be buying him his own fish tank in a few years. I had one other nice experience on Saturday. A friend sent me a pair of My Pillow slippers for Christmas. I finally took them out of the box and started wearing them. They are the most comfortable slippers I've ever had. I hope they last a long time.
Sunday was not such a good day. I love seeing my grand kids every day. Some days are better than others. My daughter is having some challenges potty training Christopher. Yesterday he created quite a mess in my hallway. Instead of telling us he needed to use the potty he decided to pee all over my carpet. Then as we ran to get towels to clean up what he did before it soaked in he grabbed half a can of soda. He poured that all over where he just peed. While Christopher thought all of this was hilarious. I was very upset. The main activity Sunday afternoon was getting a carpet cleaning machine. Then sucking up the mess.
My other project this weekend was getting one of our old boys bedroom sets out of the back room. We are trying to make room downstairs. It's over 20 years old but still in pretty good shape. I'm going to try to give it away on Facebook. If not it's going to the dump later this week. If you are interested check out the picture and let me know. I also have the matching head board.