While government officials and other government authorized agencies still claim off shore surveys being done to build more off shore wind turbines are not the cause. Yet another dead whale is drifting in the ocean close to a New Jersey beach. A bull dozer is already parked in the sand at Manasquan Beach awaiting the arrival of the humpback whale. So it can be quickly buried under the sand. The Marine Mammal Stranding Center and NOAA are putting together a team to examine the whale before it is buried. Both receive government funding.
The mayor of Manasquan is asking people to keep a safe distance from the whale when it hits the beach. Mayor Ed Donovan said: "I don't know what's happening but they're beautiful animals." Several environmental groups have called for the surveys being done by wind turbine companies to be suspended until a cause of the whale deaths is determined. Their requests have been brushed aside by government officials, NOAA and The Marine Mammal Stranding Center.
Source: NJ.COM
Photo: Kyodo News via Getty Images