Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "First Weekend of Spring" Weekend in Pictures

I couldn't get much done outside on Saturday. So that was the day I went shopping. Shop Rite, Walmart and Lowes were my destinations. The nice weather on Sunday allowed us to get a lot done outside. With some fun time with my grand kids in between. The front yard is now clear of leaves and there's a new hose spigot on my back deck.

I bought two Wiffle Ball sets for Chris and Gracie so they could have some outside fun too. Christopher was still more interested in the riding mower. As time goes on I know he'll catch the baseball bug like grandpa. In the meantime he seems to be having a blast playing golf with the bat and ball. The kids love to do art projects inside too. The problem is my solid oak dining room table is getting ruined. I hope the placemats I bought will solve that problem.

In the kitchen our big weekend dinner was fresh chicken cutlets, mashed potatoes and peas. I hope you enjoy the pictures below.

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