Easter Sunday Service at the United Methodist Church in Matamoras was beautiful.
Then I headed to the kitchen. I'm very tired after I cook a holiday dinner for my family but I still enjoy it. This Easter three of my four kids came by to enjoy Easter Dinner together. Our traditional Easter Dinner is prime rib. Then I make a second main course of fresh chicken cutlets. Which is my son James favorite dish. While the roast was in the oven I added some potatoes. So we had real baked potatoes in the side. Along with fresh steamed asparagus. One of these days I'm going to try doing a cooking show somewhere. Everything came out great and we have left overs!
My son Matt didn't come by like he usually does. He was in Wyoming and Montana on vacation with his wife. One of the things they did was ride on a dog sled. I'm sharing one of the pictures they sent me from Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Of course, the Easter Bunny visited early Easter Sunday morning. Christopher was having trouble understanding we needed to put the Easter Eggs in the refrigerator so we could eat them later. My daughter loves hard boiled eggs. He tried one but wasn't a fan. Gracie and Christopher also saw the Easter Bunny on Saturday when we went food shopping at Weis Markets in Lords Valley.