Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "Got some really good dirt" Weekend in Pictures

I knew I had a lot on my agenda for the weekend. Today I feel very satisfied that I got just about everything done. My weekend started at the Spring Open House at Sussex County Community College. The turnout was great. I brought some Girl Scout Cookies and the prize wheel. They were a hit too. Right after my broadcast at SCCC I headed over to our Home and Garden Show at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. There was a great crowd there too. I got to dream about owning a boat. Saw my friend Chris Dexter from Subaru World of Newton. Checked out some beautiful sheds and a green house. I left the home and garden show very excited about spring. One of my friends has a farm in Wantage. A while ago I asked her if I could come by for some manure for my garden. So late Saturday afternoon that's where I went. We filled my truck with buckets of "black gold." My veggie garden should produce some beautiful cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers this year.

On Sunday I started to spread some of the black gold in my flower and vegetable beds. Then I pulled the push mower out of the shed and mowed the yard for the first time this spring. While I was doing all this Kim took Gracie and Chris to a birthday party. Which I agreed to pick them up at when the party was over. I had a little fun with the owner of the party place when I asked her to announce Kim's "Uber" had arrived. Then we went food shopping. I hope you enjoy all of this weekend's pictures below.

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