Nathan Montanez dropped off his wife and children at Newark Airport to catch a scheduled flight to Disney World this month. About 15 minutes before they were scheduled to leave United Airlines cancelled their flight. There were no other seats available for several days. When his wife texted him to inform him of the terrible news he decided to drive his family to Orlando instead. It was a 17 hour drive all night long but they made it to Disney to enjoy their planned and very expensive Disney vacation. As for Nathan, after resting a few hours he got back in the car and drove home. He missed only one day of work. Many years ago my wife and I drove straight through to go to a wedding in Tampa. We promised our kids we would be back at their grandma's in New Jersey by 9 Monday morning. On I 95 in South Carolina I started to suffer with severe food poisoning. There were many hotels to stop at along the way but we kept going. My son Matt was 11 and I knew he would be very upset if we didn't make it back when promised. We got to grandma's house at 9:05. After a horrible night driving on I-95 I was starting to feel better by then.
Source: MSN
Photo: Getty Images