The New Jersey State Fair/ Sussex County Farm and Horse Show opens this afternoon at 5 PM. Tonight all rides are one dollar. You can watch bull riding at 7 PM in the Outdoor Entertainment Area. Our sister station WNNJ will be hosting The Battle of the Bands at 8 PM in the Performing Arts Tent. One of the new attractions tomorrow is Combat Robotics over by the Barbecue Pavilion. It's similar to the "Battle Bots T.V. Show," There are 28 teams including one from Sussex Tech and another from our local 4 H STEM Club. Fair hours have changed too. The fair will now be open from 10AM to !0PM on weekends and from noon to 10 during the week.
Fair spokesperson Kathy Cafasso came on the WSUS morning show on Wednesday and said some of the new food items at the fair this year include barbecue in a bowl, vegan hot dogs and bubble tea. Which is a Taiwanese treat. It's a combination of tea, milk, fruit, fruit juices and tapioca pearls.
Source: WSUS WNNJ and New Jersey Herald