My sweet brindle pit Maddie lost her battle with kidney failure yesterday. If you've ever shared your life with a dog. You know they fight to stay with us. Even when they are suffering. Yesterday it was the time to give her peace. I don't know what I'll miss the most. Right up until her last good days she would flop her ears and wake me up at 2:30 each morning. So she could go out in the yard. Then she would watch me make my coffee and get ready to leave. As I put my sneakers on she would get comfortable outside the door to my daughter Kim's room.
Each night she curled up on the sofa to watch T.V. with us and fall fast asleep. Her legs would run and her tail wag as she dreamed. When she wanted me to go to bed she would walk to the door to my room and just sit there waiting. I think she truly believed my bed was actually her bed. Maddie would take up the whole bed. I only got a little on the right hand side. She loved my daughter and Denise too. Five years ago Denise was very sick for several months. Maddie stayed close to her for hours everyday. Denise says Maddie's love did more to get her well than anything else. I believe it too.
Maddie made us laugh all the time too. I'll share one of the funniest things she did many times. When one of my sons would sit on the couch and talk to me. Maddie would make sure she sat in between us. Sometimes if they were on the other side of the couch she would try to put herself in a place where she could partially block my view of them. It was hilarious. Although I will take some time to grieve. I will always have a dog in my life thanks to her. I hope you enjoy and maybe even laugh at some of the pictures we've taken over the years.