Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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NJ DEP reminds motorists right now is the time when most deer get hit

I've worked or lived is Sussex County since 1983. I've hit a deer at least 4 times. This is the time of year you are most likely to hit a deer according to New Jersey's Departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation. The main reason is simple. It's rut season. he fall mating season for white tail deer in our state. This is the time when bucks are most likely to suddenly sprint in front of your car chasing females. Another factor is the end of daylight savings time this coming weekend. The commute to work will align with the time when deer are most active. Darkness and sun glare will also make it more difficult to see deer getting ready to leap into traffic. All I can say is drive carefully and a bit slower than usual. We are not dealing with the smartest creatures here. Good Luck!

Source: NJ DEP

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White Tailed Deer Buck on road

Photo: Carol Hamilton / iStock / Getty Images

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