With .06 seconds left on the clock the basketball left the hands of a Manasquan High School player and went in. That should have given Manasquan a championship win over Camden. Instead, the refs on the court ruled the basketball left the hands of the Manasquan player after the clock ran out. So the shot did not count. Manasquan lost the game to Camden by 1 point.
Even Governor Murphy says the ref's made a "heartbreaking" mistake. Can anything be done? Yesterday Manasquan was dealt another setback when a Superior Court Judge in Atlantic County refused their request to postpone the next round championship game. Judge Mark Troncone just passed the ball to the New Jersey Department of Education's acting commissioner Kevin Dehmer. Who will have to make some kind of a decision today. The next round championship game is scheduled for tomorrow. Who will be playing Camden or Manasquan? It's in the hands of Commissioner Dehmer now. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
Source: Yahoo Sports
Photo: Matt_Brown / iStock / Getty Images