New data since the 2020 census is showing more people are moving to Sussex and Warren Counties. Since the pandemic Sussex County's population has risen 1.5 percent. Warren County's population has jumped 1.3 percent. Ocean County saw the largest increase at 3.2 percent. People are leaving more urban counties. Hudson County's population has gone down the most. Followed by Passaic County. Hudson lost 2.3 percent and Passaic 1.9 percent. Sussex County's most recent population is just over 146,000 according to the U.S, Census Bureau. Four years ago in April of 2020 it was just over 144,000. During the 10 year period between 2010 and 2020 Sussex County's population declined by 5,000. Now it looks like people are starting to move back.
Source: NorthJersey.Com and U.S. Census Bureau
Photo: Barry Winiker / Stockbyte / Getty Images