When Millie was a puppy she ruined the sectional couch in my living room. The cushions were chewed and torn off the back of it. Until she and my grand son get a little older there is no point in spending a lot of money on brand new furniture. Friends of our family recently replaced their living room and offered to give us their old couch, love seat and chair. Everything was in very good shape. So last week my sons Matt and James picked up the gently used pieces and we set everything up. The fresh bright paint and almost new living room furniture are a big improvement. As you can see by the pictures my grand kids and Millie are happy with the change as well.
I was almost going to call this my "finally caught up" Weekend in Pictures. I had a chance to get the outside of my house in shape too. The pool is finally closed for the season. The cover is secured with enough spikes and chains. My front and back yard are mowed. I even bought mums for the front porch. Finally, I got a nice surprise in the mail box. When the local news flyer came my grand daughter's picture was in it. There was a feature about 3rd kids at Delaware Valley Elementary School learning about steam and there she was. I love the big smile on her face!