I love watching a movie and knowing exactly where a scene was filmed. People from New Jersey will have that experience when "Happy Gilmore 2" comes out on Netflix. We don't know exactly when the film will be finished but we do know where Adam Sandler was yesterday. The tip off came when the Hackettstown Police announced a road closure on social media. They didn't say exactly what was going on just "disruptions." People were able to put two and two together. Road closures around a golf course and Adam Sandler filming Happy Gilmore 2 all over New Jersey? Residents started to show up to see if they could spot Adam and some of them did. The filming was taking place at Farmview Golf Center on East Avenue in Hackettstown. Will he show up in Sussex County next? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Source: Daily Voice Morris County
Photo: Roy Rochlin / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images