My beautiful and healthy grand daughter came into this world Monday afternoon around 5:30. We thought she would arrive over the weekend. Sweet Charlotte Amelia took her time. Congratulations to my son Matt and his wife Jessica. They will be wonderful parents. Charlotte Amelia is also blessed to have wonderful loving supportive grand parents on both sides of her family. She is Shawn and Lisa Parker's first grand baby. The third grand child Denise and I have together. All weekend long we were waiting and feeling a little stressed. Hoping everything would go all right. Denise and I were watching the Alfred Hitchcock classic "The Birds" when Matt texted us and said they were at the hospital. Charlotte arrived 17 hours later strong and healthy. Which changed the mood in our house from stressed to playful. Our grandson was comical playing with the skeleton bones outside. A little macabre for a for a four year old! We let him jump on the furniture for a few minutes. Even our dog Millie got excited and jumped on the dining room table. OMG. Then we enjoyed pork chops with cheese and our favorite fried chicken from the air fryer. Check out some of the comedy below.