Back in the mid 80's I got a close look at the S.S. United States docked in Norfolk, Virginia. At that time there was hope the once luxurious ocean liner could be restored and brought back to life. Since then many have tried without success. She was built in the early 50's and set the trans Atlantic speed record at the time. The S.S United States is larger than The Titanic. My dad was in the steamship business and attended several parties on the historic ship during her hey day. The S S United States has been docked in Philadelphia for many years awaiting her final destination. Now we know what it will be. The engineless 990 foot ocean liner has been stripped of it's once luxurious interior furnishings. She will be towed to waters off Florida and sunk to form an artificial reef. A new productive life for what was once the pride of America's passenger ocean liners. A reporter and photographer from NPR recently boarded the liner to record what remains. You can see the pictures below.
Source: N.P.R.
Photo: JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / Getty Images