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> December 2019
My "Christmas Recap" in pictures
My Epic Weekend In Pictures: Fun In Patriot Land And All Over Sussex County
One decade comes to a close, a new decade is upon us...
Pay It Forward Day 12: Samantha with Donna
Pay It Forward Day 11: Tamara with Christina
My Epic December Weekends In Pictures!
My "On the Road" Weekend in Pictures
Tried to escape the cold...
Pay It Forward Day 10: Lee Ann with Jeannemarie
Let's Help My Pet Of The Week, Nika!
Pay It Forward Day 9: Susan with Sarah
Pay It Forward Day 8: Janet with the Zoltan Family
Pay It Forward Day 7: Anneliese with Andre
Pay It Forward Day 6: Nicole with Raquel and Roger
My "Holiday Spirit" Weekend in pictures
Pay It Forward Day 5: Jennifer with Nancy and John
2019 WSUS Kids Christmas Concert Series
Real Christmas Trees are selling for crazy prices in New York City
Let's Help Mr. Bojangles!
Pay It Forward Day 4: The Decker Family with Karen
Hackettstown defense contractor admits he lied to Army
Pay It Forward Day 3: Teresa with Angela
Ski Report from SnoCountry
Pay It Forward Day 2: Rosa with Lisa
Yesterday's Kids Christmas Concert Series mix up
2019 Pay It Forward Recipients
Pay It Forward Day 1: Lori with Katie
My "Baby's Home" Weekend in Pictures
Amazon facility planned for Budd Lake
Let's Help My Pet Of The Week, Gracie!
Here's my new grandson!
Meet WSUS Student of the Month
My Epic Weekend In Pictures: Vernon Lights Fest and Quick Family Time
Jersey Strong: Today's question, answer and winner
My "Waiting for Baby" Weekend in Pictures