A pill may replace your flu shot pretty soon.

I don't mind getting a flu shot but I worry about feeling sick afterwards. Many people do. The more serious problem is many kids fear shots of any kind. Adults have been known to get the flu from infected kids. The Centers for Disease Control says close to 40 percent of American kids don't get a flu shot. So it's safe to say more people would be protected from getting the flu if the vaccine could be taken in pill form. Now a new study from Stanford published in the well known medical journal Lancet has confirm a flu vaccine pill is almost here. The study concluded Vaxart biotechnology's oral tablet vaccine is just as effective at creating immunity as an injection. The tablet uses a non-spreading adenovirus to carry the flu protein. The next step will be to determine how the tablet performs outside the lab with a natural infection in the community. A spokesman for Vaxart says the new vaccine is still a few years away from being available to the public.

Source: New York Post

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