There were some fun memories during this Fall Jersey weekend. We'll start my Epic Weekend In Pictures with Thursday night. We had a fun happy hour team building night at Industry in Sparta. My coworkers were all impressed with how beautiful everything came out. The weather was perfect and we were enjoying the beautiful Fall night eating delicious food and beverages. I enjoyed their corn and also bacon wrapped scallops. It was a great, fun night out with our iHeart Team.
Friday it was time to kick off our weekend with the Friday Office Lunch Party. It's so fun meeting new friends and giving them free lunch from our friends at Quarry Grill on 23 in Franklin. Our travels took us to Lake Mohawk and it was absolutely gorgeous driving all around it. Kicking your weekend off on a beautiful day at Lake Mohawk is a win win! Shout out to Sheila and her coworkers who were beyond psyched to enjoy their food from Quarry Grill.
Friday night I kicked off my weekend with happy hour at The Cottage in Franklin. It was great seeing several great friends. Some of my friends ask me behind the scene questions about all the fun stuff we do with our radio stations, and why we do some things that we do etc. It's like when folks ask me about why do we flip to Christmas music when we do. I always explain we are like any other business, if it didn't work, we certainly wouldn't do it. Speaking of our radio industry, Friday night I was excited to go home, put my feet up, and watch our iHeartRadio Music Festival on CW Pix 11. It's pretty cool how my company can get all of those superstar performers.
1 of 5 Photo: Me, Steve, Shawn, Seth and Howard
2 of 5 Photo: Yummy!
3 of 5 Photo: More deliciousness around!
4 of 5 Photo: Legend.
5 of 5 Photo: love it!
Saturday I felt like taking a little road trip and engage in some retail therapy. My watch battery needed to be replaced anyway. I ventured over to Woodbury Commons and enjoyed the beautiful, crisp Fall air. I didn't necessarily need anything, but went in with the mindset of if a great deal was to be had I would go for it. I was looking to possibly upgrade a couple of dress shirts. Over the past few years I've gotten much better about throwing away a shirt whenever I get a new one. I had some old cheap basic ones that I got when I first moved here almost 9 years ago. Those itchy Walmart ones can be thrown away now and replaced with new shirts that won't be as itchy. Success.
I was in a Zales jewelry store waiting to get my watch battery replaced. It was surreal being in a jewelry store almost a year later to the day when my ex-fiance broke up with me. It was definitely character building for sure. Then when I went up to the line, we discovered my watch started working and ticking again! Success.
I then went to Brooks Brothers and was able to get great deals on my shirts. One was $59, and two were only $29! I'll take that deal all day.
I then had a quick lunch at the nearby TGI Fridays and had fantastic wings. They actually had a strong kick to them! Saturday was a quiet night in on my couch. There was comedy gold on my part that was completely self inflicted. I invited besties Jasen, Brendan, and Carrie to go on a hike in Warwick. I even said to them "no pressure if you can't make it, I'm going regardless."
This was before I got HOOKED on The NFL New York Giants game. I predicted Saturday that the Giants were going to upset the Green Bay Packers. I just felt they had an opportunity with the way their matchups were shaking. The game was so fun and close to watch I couldn't stop. Damnit NFL playing games in London that result in us starting watching football at 9:30am. UGH.
1 of 8 Photo: Woodbury Commons!
2 of 8 Photo: $29? I'll take that deal all day!
3 of 8 Photo: $29 again.
4 of 8 Photo: Woodbury Commons
5 of 8 Photo: Delicious wings with a good kick to them too!
6 of 8 Photo: More iHeartRadio Music Festival fun
7 of 8 Photo: Weekend At Bernie's!
8 of 8 Photo: Happy Gilmore!
1 of 2 Photo: football funday sunday!
2 of 2 Photo: football sunday funday!
Sunday I just stayed in on my couch watching my Patriots. I was very happy to see them win! My Fantasy football teams aren't doing as well, but it's still early.
So my Epic hike never happened, maybe next week. We will see what the future brings. Overall I had a great weekend. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!