Ways to get "me time" for young moms

My daughter is a mom of a 16 month old. She's a great mom.  This past Friday I baby sat my grand daughter for three hours. It reminded me of how tiring babies and toddlers can be. My grand daughter got used to grandpa but grandpa was very happy when "mommy" came back home.   Taking care of a little one is hard work. Then when you add in taking care of a home and going to work how much time is left? That's why I'm happy to give my daughter a break whenever I can. In her book "The Fifth Trimester" Lauren Smith Brody offers these tips on how moms can get some much deserved me time.

1. Know what me time is. It's simply doing what makes you feel happiest. (shopping, working out or even watching T.V.) 

2. Remember, you can't do everything at once.  Don't be afraid to ask for help and just focus on what you CAN do 

3. Spend time with friends. You need to be reassured your baby is doing fine. New moms also need people to relate to and vent to. 

4. Your commute can be a secret weapon. When you go back to work and get stuck in traffic make the most of it.  Listen to music, call friends, put on some hand lotion...

5. Relax and call the sitter. An afternoon of pampering at the spa is something you deserve. 

Number 5 is a gift my daughter really appreciates. I always tease her about it too. I guess I'll have to stop. Since I did such a good job baby sitting last week I will be rewarded with more baby sitting in the future too. I'm happy to support young moms and dads. 

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