What a wonderful weekend! My weekend basically started with a Thursday night victory for my Patriots over Tampa, which we really needed. I was able to enjoy that with my dear friend Sally. Friday night was our terrific Girls Night Out Pink Party! SO much fun meeting everyone, and catching up with old friends as well. Saturday we were able to celebrate our friend who works with us Alex's birthday, along with several of our dear friends at a packed packed local winery. Thank you to Shawn for having us over her place where we enjoyed the gorgeous sunset from her deck! Delicious pulled pork, ice cold drinks and a simply fantastic sunset with some of our best friends. We wrapped up our weekend back with Awesome Girlfriend Megan's Cowboys unfortunately lose to their rival Green Bay Packers again. Aaron Rodgers is one of the all time greats, so when Dallas gave him 1:18 left in the game, we had a bad feeling. Overall we had a wonderful weekend --- and I surprised Meg with an early Christmas present --- taking her to the Patriots - Jets game next weekend! This will be Meg's first ever pro football game in person, and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees everyone in person.
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