Over the past nearly two years, I have found myself spending more time and falling in love with Hackettstown, NJ. Awesome Girlfriend Megan lives there, so we LOVE walking together and enjoying their downtown area. Full disclosure, I'm addicted to the Nuclear wings at Marley's Gotham Grill --- nope, they're not paying me to say that, lol. I have said before, that we really hope nearby Newton sees how Hackettstown rebuilt their Main Street and learn from them. Megan and I always have several restaurant options, the energy is terrific. While Hackettstown may be best known for the M&M factory and benches decorated with M&M, they have terrific dining options. The restaurants and yummy 3 breweries all work together, knowing that the more people they keep in the general area, the better!
NJ.com has come up with a list of 15 great New Jersey food towns that nobody has ever heard of --- which is only partially true, because Meg and I LOVE our Hackettstown spots we frequent! You can see the towns in addition to Hackettstown making the best food town list by clicking here.