My weekend was definitely action packed! Friday night I ventured off to Hackettstown and was able to hang with Awesome Girlfriend Megan. I did my usual nuclear wings at our favorite dive bar there, but they were too hot for me this time. Ah well. We still had a fun Friday night out together for an hour or so, then came back and hung out with Meg's youngest Awesome Daughter, Amanda. It wasn't a late night, because we had our first ever Home And Garden Show at The Fairgrounds Saturday.
Saturday, we had our Home & Garden Show --- and it was a HUGE success. Our turnout was likely over 500 people, and everyone there had smiling faces. Even though it was freakin freezing outside, everyone is more than ready for Spring. You can see Steve Andrews and I doing a tour together live on Facebook below. btw, have you ever heard of a "Butt Rub?"
Then after Steve Andrews left, I continued our tour --- this event was so large it took me two entire videos to cover everything. I was brainstorming with fence experts on how to get myself more protection now that the first BEARS have been spotted by me on Campus in Vernon. Indeed, one has been spotted right down the street from me. Now that I'm enjoying grilling on my massive deck, it won't be soon before long I'm afraid as they say. You can see me trying to be one with them, wearing a BEAR shirt that my besties Doug and Sally gave me. #BearsWillEatMe
Saturday night I was exhausted from being in the cold all day. While our terrific event was indoors, we were broadcasting outdoors in the elements. You know those days when you're standing out in the cold all day and just feel like junk the rest of your weekend? This was one of those times, but WELL WORTH IT! I LOVE getting to meet people in person. I also enjoyed having a post show victory beer with my besties from work, Shawn and Kim.
Saturday night I called Awesome Girlfriend Megan to tell her about our day, and she confided that she was going to take her Awesome middle daughter Hailey to Rockaway Mall. Knowing that The Cheesecake Factory is now open there, I invited myself to seeing them there and taking the girls out to dinner. We had a nice time. I had my usual go to: Dulce De Leche Caramel Cheesecake --- and it was of course phenomenal. Get in my belly!
Sunday I finally got my taxes done, and then hung out with my besty Jasen while enjoying The Masters. Did you see the orange pants that Rickie Fowler was rocking? Congratulations to Patrick Reed on winning his first ever Masters. I love the energy and mystique of it all. That being said, should I try to pull off orange pants like Rickie?
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