Essence has come up with what they say are 5 outdated dating rules. I think ALL dating rules are outdated. Did I ever tell you that Awesome Girlfriend Megan didn't kiss me on our first date? After our successful and fun first date at Mohawk House in Sparta, I naturally went in for the kill. She gave me the brush off to kiss on cheek. I was actually not used to that, and worried about it being a bad sign. Now two years into our relationship, we can safely assume that rule about whether or not kissing too soon or too late is archaic. I don't believe in numbers and milestones. If it works for you, let the relationship blossom. I'm old school on one dating rule, I always preferred to pay on the first date. However if the girl asked me, or picked a place beyond my means, I'm okay in 2018 letting her pay. Truth be told, Meg and I still fight over paying. She paid for our hotel room in Asbury Park this weekend, and I tried to pay for everything else we did all weekend.
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This weekend, I'm going back home to Boston and seeing my family. My Grammy, also known as "Captain Chaos," is turning 85! I can't wait to see her and the rest of my family. It will be a much quicker visit than I would prefer, but we will just make every second count. Lots of driving in a short time. Mind Body Green, one of my favorite sites is giving us 7 yoga stretches that can be helpful especially after a road trip. I'll be trying some of these for sure, they seem rather simple.
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