I need a weekend from my weekend! From more steak grilling adventures, to celebrating my Grammy's 85th Birthday, and dodging the heat wave anyway possible, we made many great memories. Friday morning I got the party started early and grilled a massive, juicy, delicious sirloin steak for Steve Andrews. Talk about starting off his birthday right! I'm sure my neighbors on Campus in Vernon were giving strange looks my way while grilling at 6:30 in the morning. Well worth it! Everyone at our radio stations gave me credit for one of the best steaks they have ever had. Longhorn seasoning is legit! Plus with the fresh beef from my buddy Ty's Spring Farm, you just cannot go wrong. I was so happy to make all of my coworkers smile all day long. You can see our Facebook Live video of Steve Andrews taste testing my AWESOME steak live on the air by clicking here. I was like a proud puppy running around forcing everyone to eat my steak, and they were impressed! Friday night I then hung out in Vernon at my favorite Campus Tiki Bar with friends and enjoyed yet another gorgeous sunset by the pool. Love living here.
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Saturday: the big day. I was on the road by 5:55am shipping up to Boston for my Grammy Mary Brown's 85th surprise birthday. We had such a wonderful time at the golf club in Norton, Ma. Grammy was very excited that I was able to make the party. My family are my best friends, so any day with them is a wonderful time. My late Grampy was one of 16 kids, so our family is very large and FUN. It was such a thrill to see so many relatives I haven't seen in years, and they were all psyched to hear about my Jersey life. Within 3 minutes of the party starting, my relatives all started asking "Where is Awesome Girlfriend Megan? I was so excited thinking we would finally meet her!" Meg had her daughters this weekend, so unfortunately I had to make the trip solo. They were also impressed by some of my BEAR pictures, and I told them all about BEAR Week happening on our radio stations. After getting home from the party, my sister Suzanne volunteered to take me out over at Gillette Stadium's Patriot Place Mall. Zannie works at Splitsville there, and wanted to see their new renovations in progress. My parents are only an 11 minute drive from Gillette Stadium, so it's always a fun quick trip. We then ended up back home and enjoyed a tasty craft beer with my Dad, Padre. Woohoo!
Sunday we then went out for brunch where I called it my Last Supper with the family before trekking back to Jersey. This happens to me quite often, where due to being a very picky eater, and lazy I order buffalo wings as a default. My family was heckling me nonstop for ordering buffalo wings at brunch in an irish pub. #sorrybutnotsorry. We enjoyed a delicious Black And Tan, Guinness with Harp. They were so yummy! Then time to leave. I always tear up every single time I say goodbye to my parents. Traffic was intense on the Mass Pike and on 84. Leaving at Noon, I had a feeling traffic might be tough on such a huge vacation week. By 3:30, I made to to Danbury Connecticut and stopped for beer and more buffalo wings. They were HOT and tasty. At least by the time I'm in Danbury, it's only 90 more minutes of driving if traffic is normal. While I was there, someone ordered a Guinness with Sam Adams. Ewww gross! While Guinness is great with Harp, Smithwick's (black and tan, blacksmith,) it would not pair well with Sam Adams. I love Guinness, I love Sam Adams, but definitely NOT together. I got home by 6, unpacked and went back to Campus Tiki Bar for a beer. My irish tail melted after one beer. I ended up back at my place with the central air rocking, enjoying Bar Rescue on TV. I'm so blessed to have my amazing family and friends. I hope you had a wonderful, memorable weekend too. We're already looking forward to more adventures next weekend!
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