Vernon Teacher's 9/11 Lesson Angers Many

What is going on in Vernon?  A 6th grade social studies teacher didn't teach about the September 11th attacks on our country, instead teaching a fictional story of a muslim boy being bullied because of his name.  Steve Andrews and I were discussing this week how kids under 18 have no memory of that day, and how this is an important history lesson for them.  You remember how we all felt during that day when America was under attack.  Between Sussex County, the Tri state, and my Boston ties, so many of us have a direct connection to this.  Many of us know someone who lost a loved one during these attacks.  We remember the patriotism all of us had on September 12th, 2001.  I support teachers teaching religions and also helping understanding.  I feel that if a teacher chose to not teach this historical tragedy, in a social studies or history class, there is something seriously wrong with this picture! 

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