You may remember last week when New Jersey Division Of Alcohol Control put tougher restrictions and regulations on the 88 breweries we have in our state. We're now hearing from several local brewery owners weighing in on how these new regulations might make operating their business much more challenging. Some in the restaurant industry have complained and say that these Limited Brewery Licenses are giving breweries an unfair advantage over them, because those types of licenses are so much cheaper. I didn't realize that these new regulations can prevent breweries from showcasing menus of local restaurant delivery options. This system seems to work so well in Hackettstown. Our locally elected officials Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space and Assemblyman Hal Wirths are now all speaking out against government placing more regulations on breweries.
Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I LOVE exploring breweries and new yummy craft beer. Our favorite brewery in Jersey has to be Asbury Park Brewery. We went to Asbury Park earlier this summer, and Asbury Park Brewery played a large role in Meg and I still having a great time despite rain all weekend long. We highly recommend the Sea Dragon IPA.
The state cracking down has impacted local breweries that Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I frequent too. In April the state cracked down on Czig Meister in Hackettstown allowing dogs in their venue, because a bylaw counts beer as food. Even though wine or beer often tends to be my dinner, I think it's rather ridiculous to count serving beer the same as preparing and serving food. Even though I'm an animal lover, the compromise of allowing them on the nearby patio can still be enjoyable for many.
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