Talk about an epic, action packed Weekend In Pictures. Taking Awesome Girlfriend Megan back home to Boston, while also rebuilding my place here in Vernon, NJ, we accomplished a ton. We started our weekend at Franklin Sussex Auto Mall in Sussex for their annual Halloween party. I never dress up for Halloween, but did enjoy the cute costumes all over Pets and kids. Great turn out at the biggest family Halloween party in Sussex County. Steve Andrews cracked me up with his costume and 70s wig. I kept showing a throwback picture of Andrews from the 80s and asked who wore it better, Andrews in 2018 or Andrews in the 80s. I crashed Steve Andrews Facebook live video which you can see below, and he cracked me up during one segment. Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I met up in Vernon and then went over to see our Besty Jasen with my nephew Spot. Spot was all over us the second we came over --- unconditional love from pets can be so rewarding. After a Goose Island IPA and an Asbury Park Brewery Sea Dragon IPA, Meg and I went back to rebuilding my place.
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For the past few weeks, Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I have been scheming to surprise my parents up in Boston on their wedding anniversary. I typically miss it due to working here in Jersey, but this year their day fell on a Saturday, October 27th. Back in 2004, our Red Sox won the World Series ending their 86 year curse on my parents 25th Wedding Anniversary. We still sometimes refer to their anniversary as "GAME 4!!!" Meg and I joked that we were being storm chasers, since this surprise resulted in us driving through the weekend Nor'Easter. We were on the road by 6:09am, and at my parents by 10:30am. My hands had calluses on them from having to grip the steering wheel so tight due to intense flooding and winds. Well worth it.
We surprised my parents, which resulted in instant tears of joy from Madre. Padre was happy too when he came up from our basement and learned we had showed up on their doorstep. What better surprise on your wedding anniversary than me showing up unexpectedly on your doorstep, right? We ambushed them with delicious craft beer and flowers. Success.
We told our besty Kristine that we were in town, then she and my niece Bella came over to visit us. I can't believe how tall my now 10 year old niece is, I'll never forget the day she was born and I held her in the hospital. I held her for 25 seconds, then panicked I would break her and handed her over to grandparents immediately. Her grandparents still tease me that I cried that day more than even they did. Bella's an amazing kid, that always manages to crack me up.
We then went out to dinner with my Wicked Awesome Sistawh Zannie, Sue, Madre, Padre, Meg and me. We had a great time together. After dinner, we were all able to enjoy the Red Sox game together and share many laughs. Our besty Joseph came over to enjoy the Sox with us, and we shared even more laughs.
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Sunday morning, Meg and I went over to see my Grammy. At 85 years young, my Grammy has always been one of my best friends. We were able to enjoy some laughs with her too. We noticed that she was experimenting baking obscure brownies instead of the normal congo bars that we all love - and the new recipe I'm hearing didn't go over too well. My parents had our family over for a nice party, but Meg and I had to hit the road before then. We hit the road knowing we have a ton of rebuilding to do at my place. It's almost like having to move into your place all over again.
Sunday afternoon, we did a quick snack at TGI Friday's in Middletown off 84. We have always driven by it, and then yesterday finally had a beer some buffalo wings and pretzel sticks. Do you ever get curious about things that you drive by all the time? Meg and I have a growing bucket list of things we drive by all the time that we just have to see in person. Friday's was empty, and the Giants were disappointing us. Since the Giants were playing divisional rival Washington, Meg and I were rooting for them to help Dallas catch up on Washington in the standings. That didn't happen. At least Saquon Barkley is still doing great things for my Fantasy Football Team, The Radioboyz.
Meg is a gem. She helped hang everything back up on my wall and cleaned everything in my kitchen after the sloppy contractor left paint stains / droppings on virtually everything I own. I'm less than thrilled with him. Meg has our place almost back to normal. We did a lot of team work moving myself back in, and my place is back to feeling closer and closer to home again. It has been great being able to sleep in my own bed again.
Getting to surprise my parents on their wedding anniversary was fantastic. You could tell my parents were so happy to have Meg, my sister, and me with them celebrating their anniversary. I'm excited for Thanksgiving Weekend when I can hopefully see my friends and more of our family. We had a wonderful, memorable weekend. I hope you had a terrific weekend too. Time to start planning next weekend!
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