My Irrational Fear Of Engagement Rings

Steve Andrews had plenty of fun at my expense this morning, and I have to admit he's not entirely wrong.  Monday night, I was falling asleep on my couch.  I then received three picture text messages from Awesome Girlfriend Megan's Awesome Daughter Caitlyn.  They were engagement rings online.  I woke up very quickly after receiving those!  Apparently Meg and Cait thought that it would be a fun Monday night activity to peruse engagement rings, and then alert me of what Meg prefers for rings.  Holy Ambush Batman!  Just to clarify, I definitely want to propose to Meg within the next two years.  We wouldn't get married until her youngest Awesome Daughter turns 18, which is 3 years away anyway.  For some strange reason, rings scare me.  I'm not scared of our wedding day someday, hopefully growing old and gray together, none of that stuff.  Yet the thing that should scare me the least, an engagement ring, scares the living bejesus out of me!  Am I totally crazy?  Okay, don't answer that.  Lol.  Maybe I have "Kosmemophobia," which is apparently a fear of jewelry.  

Photo by Pixabay

Photo by Pixabay

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