A few things people with clean homes do everyday

I am definitely a person who likes to keep his surroundings neat and clean. My now ex wife nicknamed me "Hazel." The maid in the 1960's T.V. Show. My daughter always says she's "O.C.D." about cleaning because of me. My youngest son is also a very neat organized person. The only problem with being this way is no one in my family feels the need to help me. They know I'll keep after things. To be perfectly honest I like being a "neat freak." It really doesn't take much effort to have a neat clean house. It's just a matter of getting into the habit of doing a few little things. Refinery 29 actually put together a list. It's pretty much the same things I do everyday too. So here goes:

1) Make sure everything has a place and put things back when you're done using them.

2) Make the bed. No one will see it but you are starting the day with an accomplishment.

3) Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight.

4) Clean off clutter from counter tops and surfaces

5) Clean up and put stuff away as you use it throughout the day.

6) Don't hang on to too much stuff. If you're not going to need it anymore sell it or donate it.

I was a single dad with 4 kids after my divorce. My mom used to say "just keep after things everyday and you'll be OK." She was right.

Photo by Pixabay

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