This Epic Weekend In Pictures took me around Newton, Vernon, Sparta, Wantage, Sussex, Franklin, and so much more! Even though Awesome Girlfriend Megan had the girls in Hackettstown this weekend, we were still able to sneak in one hot date at Mohawk House in Sparta.
We'll start with Thursday night at Kite's in Vernon, time for the monthly Minerals Member Mixer Social. Lots of energy when you combine fun members with a heavy spring vacation week. The band was terrific, not too loud either, so you could enjoy conversations with many friends. Smiles all around, success.
Friday, I was able to help honor our Nielsen Ford First Responders Of The Month, Branchville Hose Company #1. I was very happy to learn from them that there isn't a Branchville Hose Company #2, we fortunately only need #1. They're great guys. They won a $500 donation from Nielsen Ford, and I'm always happy to help them announce.
Friday night, time for what I call a Campus cookout in Vernon. Basically, chill Friday night in with our besties Jasen, Brendan and Carrie. Burgers and hot dogs with yummy red red wine, laughs with friends. My favorite part of the night was when I tried to hide from their cheeseburgers, and I turn around almost walking into a slice of american cheese that Brendan was holding up over me. He like Awesome Girlfriend Megan is a diehard cheese fan. Next month, at Wine & Roses, I'll try cheese. There, I put it in writing now it has to happen.
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Saturday morning I woke up at 6, wide awake. UGH. Allergies have absolutely been crushing me these past few days. By 8:30 I took a Melatonin and tried going back to sleep. I napped for a couple of hours. It's almost like I've been in a fog the past week, out of it. I knew I would be able to see Awesome Girlfriend Megan for a dinner date at Mohawk House in Sparta, so I was basically killing time until then. I ended up at Marshall's in Newton on 206 and scored a nice new pink polo shirt. It was $35, higher than I usually pay for a polo shirt, but I didn't want to risk waiting until Memorial Day for the price to drop $10 and risk losing it altogether. Am I the only who has a strategy like this for Marshall's and TJ Maxx?
Saturday afternoon I was able to meet up with Meg at Mohawk House in Sparta. The Mohawk House always brings great memories for us, it's where I took Meg on our first date almost 3 years ago. We've always loved it together ever since. Paige our bartender even took our picture together. So sweet of her. Meg informed me that we were taking the girls out to dinner at nearby Sheridan's. I then had to hand back the food menus at Mohawk House, probably making me look rather silly. I informed Paige that the plans changed on me. We ended up having a great time with the girls. My future stepdaughter Cait's house is coming together wonderfully.
Saturday night, fun times at Kite's with our normal Sunday night crew of JG and Brad. We had some laughs, and I was in bed early Saturday night.
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Sunday I watched the Celtics win at The Cottage in Franklin. At 1pm, I was the first one to the bar which I expected. I always try to support places I think might be quiet on holidays like that. I was able to help bartender buddy Rachel be less bored, lol. Then Marky and Artie showed up, all was even better. Easter Sunday Funday ended up being a rather normal Sunday for me.
Sunday night, time to recap our weekend with besties Brad and Jasen. We continued laughing over many things. Inside joke, a random stranger tried telling us at Kite's one time that she believed a fish wasn't an animal. It started with her not eating meat on Fridays, then quickly escalated to her announcing that fish wasn't an animal. God bless her. We still laugh over that to this day.
Overall, our Weekend was wonderful. I hope yours was too. Time to start planning next weekend!
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