I actually went into this weekend feeling stressed out because I knew there were things I had to get done. I'm more relaxed now. The first thing I had to get done was replacing a smoke detector that was not working. Ever since my days working as a reporter for the Associated press in the 1980's the thought of a house fire has really scared me. I had to cover many of them along with the tragic deaths they cause. The smoke detector is now rewired and working fine. Once the new smoke detector was in it was time to get a few other things done. As predicted, Saturday afternoon was very pleasant. So I started an outside project. Which was getting my shed repainted. The shed is over 20 years old and I've been thinking about replacing it. I changed my mind a few weeks ago when I realized the inside of the shed is still in pristine condition. So now I'm just going to replace some of the old wood on the outside of the shed and paint it blue to match my house. I got two sides done Saturday Afternoon. Saturday Night I watched the Mets loose to the Brewers in 18 innings. It was really frustrating. Especially watching the questionable ball and strike calls in bottom of the 18th. Angel Hernandez is still the worst umpire in Major League Baseball and he clearly doesn't like the Mets. On Sunday I hosting the opening ceremonies for the March of Dimes Skylands Walk for Babies. The Sussex County Fairgrounds was flooded and it was raining so the walk was shortened. All the fun was inside the Richards Building. The top fundraiser for the event was Franklin Sussex Auto Mall with a $10,000.00 donation. Every year we make new discoveries that lead to healthier babies being born thanks to The March of Dimes. Even though the rain changed our plans. The people who came out were full of enthusiasm. When I got home there was one more thing to do. Get the headlight changed on my Jeep. My daughter's boyfriend took care of that for me while I cooked dinner. I wouldn't have noticed the headlight was out but these days your car actually warns you. I love technology that saves me from getting a ticket.
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