This weekend was definitely action packed for sure! While I was definitely missing my family back in Boston, we were sure to make every moment count. Awesome Girlfriend Megan had her 3 Awesome Daughters this weekend, but I was still able to get in a quick date night with her at Mohawk House. I was able to enjoy many memories and laughs with friends all weekend long.
Since my Weekends tend to be so Epic, they usually start Thursday night. Thursday night I was able to enjoy a couple of yummy Sam Adams Summer Ale beers at Kite's with my besties Jasen and Brendan. I haven't been a fan of Sam Summer the past few seasons, it's been too heavy and lemony (is that a word?) for me. They have been promoting the fact that the beers are now lighter, and it's made a huge positive difference.
Friday night it was time to unwind at a Campus house party in Vernon. Jasen and Brendan invited me over for stromboli, how could I say no? I brought over some J. Lohr yummy red cabernet wine. We all enjoyed many laughs with Carrie, Jennifer, Lisa, and Spooner. My nephew Spot was more than happy to make his return in my Weekend In Pictures. The rain had finally stopped by Friday night so we were able to enjoy time both inside and on the deck too. Great times with friends. Some of our friends I hadn't seen in many months, but it didn't matter at all. We were able to pick up where we left off immediately.
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Saturday I knew we had an Epic day ahead of me. I started my morning off getting a massage from my favorite therapist Elaine! Her medical style massages are helping my neck, shoulders and back more than anything else has worked on me the past several years. Elaine admitted she knew I needed her badly when she watched my Pet Of The Week video and could see my shoulders crunched up into my neck where all of my stress unfortunately always goes. She is the best! You can feel free to e-mail her She wants to help me get back running, and is definitely helping me make progress towards that goal. My one and only 5K was 3 years ago last week, and I miss running all the time.
Saturday afternoon, time for our Family Fun Day at Skylands Stadium. I always have an absolute BLAST getting to meet friends new and old. Plus, we had Batman, Spiderman, and more there. I think my favorite picture from the event was when J Wizz took a picture of me excitedly taking a Bat-Selfie with Batman. I've been a diehard Batman fan since my early childhood days and have an autographed picture of Adam West, the 1960's Batman in my bedroom. Again we ask, How Lucky Is Awesome Girlfriend Megan? I love seeing smiling faces everywhere.
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Saturday afternoon after all that work, I'm ready for a drink! My bestie from work Shawn invited me out for a beer at nearby Wheel House, and she didn't have to twist my arm at all for that. The weather was gorgeous at that point and we were enjoying our time together on the patio. They ran out of our first choice IPA, but had another great one ready to go for us. At one point, I dropped a yummy bourbon chicken wing on me. Landed on my shirt, lap, then ground. I was livid. My girlfriend besties were there for me immediately handing over all the wet naps they could find. I didn't want to look even worse for date night. Great time with Shawn, Kim, Stacey, Cheryl and Sue.
Saturday I made a minor fashion faux pa. I wore one of my several Batman T-shirts (again how lucky is Awesome Girlfriend Megan,) to our Family Fun Day. I knew Batman was going to be there, so this was the first time in memory that I have won a Batman T-Shirt to one of our radio station events. Usually I try to wear something a smidge classier than that, but for Family Fun Day with Batman I just had to do so. I should have brought a shirt to change into before my brief hot date with Meg at Mohawk House. I did not. Therefore, I went to Mohawk House in Sparta rocking a Batman shirt. Granted, I did get compliments on my shirt all night but I hate that underdressed feeling. Meg looked great of course and was supportive, encouraging me that my shirt was merely "fun."
Our friend Tina and her band Party Of Phive were playing at Mohawk, and we were so excited to see her. Our dear friend Terri Ramieri from Advanced Veterinary Care was there with us all cheering Tina on. When it's a Saturday night at a hot spot, conversations can be very challenging. I don't remember how many times we were able to talk with Tina and Terri, but I remember laughing nonstop. They're both so caring, and hilarious. Even though we hadn't hung out in a couple months, it was like not a second passed. Mohawk House is where Meg and I had our first date 3 years ago this Friday (not that I'm counting,) it's always been our special place. Ironically, our waiter Peter noticed that our table was wobbly and put napkins under it immediately. We were cracking up, because on our first date, Meg made us switch tables because the one I picked ended up being wobbly. Somethings just never change for us I suppose. Meg and I were only able to hang out for a couple of hours but those were amazing. We hadn't been able to talk much Thursday and Friday because Meg had courses in the city, and I was at work all day Saturday. By Saturday night, just Meg hugging me was everything.
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Sunday morning time for Mother's Day Fun! I always miss my family back home in Boston, but always call to say I love and miss them. My Sunday ended up being one of my most low key Sundays ever, and it was definitely a welcome change. Meg was able to visit her mom in Pa, so that was a plus. I did some minor grocery shopping, then was able to hand deliver some flowers to some of my favorite Mommy buddies Ty and Carrie. Tough to believe that I have apparently done that 4 years in a row. One of my favorite traditions for sure!
I wore my WHAM! shirt from my besties the Benvies in Boston. I figured since I wasn't going to see Meg, at least this shirt wouldn't embarrass her lol. I enjoyed quality time in the hot tubs at Minerals Sports Club, one of my favorite things to do on a Sunday afternoon. It was a little bit of an #EpicFail on my part, being surprised that they were packed. It's a Spa on MOTHER'S DAY, and they're terrific. Of course they were packed! I then stayed in my place and watched the Boston Bruins with their playoff game woohoo. After that I switched over to the Bar Rescue marathon, and was very happy with that. These allergies are brutal! For me, my seasonal allergies are way worse during rain storms than sunny days. We think it's mold spores hurting me worse than pollen. Meg said I sounded stuffy and scratchy whenever I called her yesterday. So far the combination of Claritin and eye drops are helping a little bit. It's going to take a village.
Overall, we had a fantastic, memorable Epic Weekend In Pictures. I hope your weekend was wonderful too. Time to start planning next weekend - and it'll be mine and Meg's 3 year anniversary weekend! (Hopefully she doesn't smarten up and dump my @$$ between now and then.) Fingers crossed!
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