Get the tissues ready and let's help my poor sweet Adopt A Pet Of The Week, Marilyn! She's been rescued and now resides with my friends at Father John's Animal House in Sparta / Lafayette off of Route 15. Last Fall, Marilyn was accidentally poisoned by rat poison. This resulted in her being temporarily completely paralyzed! She has regained function in most of her body. One of her front legs is still completely paralyzed, and one of her rear legs is functioning at approximately 70%. Despite all that Marilyn has been through, she is still so sweet and loving. Let's help this 11-13 year old cat who's been through so much find her new Furever Family. She's currently on pain medication which seems to be helping, and on a prescription weight loss diet too. Let's help Marilyn! I need your help finding someone with an enormous heart please! You can find her adoption application link with Father John's Animal House by clicking here.
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