In 2019, many women are ditching old fashion traditions and asking men to go out on dates. While I love that and think things should be equal, I'm still rather old school myself. Awesome Girlfriend Megan expressed interest in me to our mutual friend, then I asked Awesome Girlfriend Megan out, took her out for a glass of yummy red wine at Mohawk House in Sparta, and the rest is history. They're also saying that millennials are waiting longer and longer to get married, possibly delaying / stalling. Who me? I popped the question to Awesome Girlfriend Megan last month after just 3 short years of dating. She was also cranking up Beyonce's 'Single Ladies,' every single time it came on our car radio. We aren't very subtle, lol.
You can see the full story on how old school courtship may still be the best from YourTango by clicking here.
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Steve Andrews informed me this morning that some old school toys are still popular today, like Play doh. EWWW GROSS. I'll let you in on a secret. When I grill my world famous burgers, it's because Awesome Girlfriend Megan assembles the ground beef for me. I did it once and was completely horrified. Meg looked up laughing saying "Oh wow, so you apparently never played with your food before?" I said "EEWW GROSS THIS IS LIKE PLAY DOH!
You can see those gross toys by clicking here.