Well this Weekend In Pictures is certainly Epic. Our travels took us from Vernon to Bath, Pennsylvania, then Hackettstown, then Bath again, then Franklin. The big story was Awesome Daughter Caitlyn, our family accountant, marrying Robbie P, our family cop. We are so proud of them both.
We'll start with Friday. We went to Bath, Pa to start rehearsal adventures before the yummy rehearsal dinner. It was fun, exciting and entertaining to see the kids go through the rehearsal process. This was a fun, surreal transition for me. Remember when you were in your early 20s and so nervous when you were involved in weddings? I always remember us being so nervous, and the adults / parental figures being so relaxed and happy. I learned it's like so many other things in life, your first time you're very nervous, while the adult wedding veterans all laugh and say this isn't our first rodeo. I've been a groomsmen ten times (yes, the jokes of always being the bridesmaid but never the bride were always made about me for probably 10-12 years before Awesome Girlfriend Megan came along.) With my experience, I knew being prepared for anything is key. I made sure to have nail clippers and a pen in my pocket at all times, also a phone charger since it's 2019. All 3 of those items were of course in use and clutch. Friday night we had a wonderful time with both the rehearsal and the dinner. The restaurant's craft beer selection was fantastic! I was happy with that for sure.
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We'll call these below pictures the Pre-Wedding or Wedding Prep pictures. I've been called a rather high energy person before, so one of my main goals was to contribute to the wedding, help, and keep busy. Awesome Future Mommy In Law Rita, who I've now started calling MOM to get a rise out of her (she always laughs and takes it in stride well,) delivered several potted plants for the gazebo. Saturday morning I made it my job to take each and everyone one of those plants down the parking lot hill from the nearby hotel to the gazebo. This job took me almost an hour. To get away from the hardworking bridal party getting their wedding venue ready, it was WELL WORTH IT! I joked with Rita that it was one of the best things for me, I was able to help, and stay out of their way too. Success. Then after that I was ready for a well earned ice cold beer. I got a case of Bud Light for the kids, figuring that would be a happy medium for everyone, and also help them stay sober leading up to the wedding nuptials too. Little did I know that the case of Bud Light would be in special Philadelphia Eagles beer cans. When I'm drinking out of a Philadelphia Eagles can, you know I'm desperate!
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The elephant in the room was the pending rain and thunderstorms. It rained on me just for 10 minutes before the wedding. The heavens were looking on us and supporting, the rain didn't start until right after the nuptials. Huge success! It's been an interesting, lightning quick transition from being the career Groomsmen to being in the parent pictures with the kids. Wouldn't have it any other way. When you're surrounded by such amazing people, they can help make transitions easier for you, no matter how challenging.
I was very happy to be there wherever they needed me, and do anything asked of me. I was honored to be included. By Saturday night during the wedding party, Meg and I were exhausted. We just looked like we were in a daze while everyone was up partying and dancing. Meg and I were running around nonstop from 7:45am when we picked up the flowers in Hackettstown, until 10:30pm when we wrapped up taking out every single decoration from the wedding venue. Indeed, we learned that we had to take all decorations out of the wedding venue immediately. Fortunately some of the groomsmen had pickup trucks to help out.
Meg's family has been amazing to me from day 1. Rick the wedding officiator, and his wife Melanie who ended up being a clutch wedding decorator, are amazing people. They were their for me in the clutch too. Kevin and Maureen, also always so supportive of us. Sean and Tim, Meg's brothers always give me an appreciative wink whenever they walk by. They have taken me in as if I'm their Pet Of The Week! Also, Greg and Kelly Minor did amazing with their ring bearer sons. Their T Shirts that said "Ring Security," cracked me up and they did GREAT. Sarah with her Flower Girl daughters were also all amazing. As he was leaving, Meg's brother Rick said "Goodnight, Brother," to me. That meant the world to me.
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Sunday, time to recover! I told everyone I was counting down until 1:05, when Meg's Cowboys would be on and my Patriots would be on at The Cottage. Football Sunday Funday at The Cottage like a normal Sunday. Normalcy felt AMAZING after our action packed weekend.
Overall, we had a wonderful weekend that we will never forget. I hope your weekend was amazing too. Time to start planning next Weekend, where I'll be doing my show from Mountain Creek's Oktoberfest. #WhatCanPossiblyGoWrong?