Most weekends in the radio business air talent has at least one appearance. This weekend I had nothing scheduled so I didn't make any specific plans and just went with the flow. My stepson Dave was going out to lunch with his daughter Shyann. So I joined them. It was nice to catch up with her. My cheeseburger and fries was delicious. Little by little I've been cleaning up the vegetable gardens. On Saturday it was time to harvest the green peppers one last time. I couldn't believe how many nice peppers I found. In another part of my garden I found two more gorgeous tomatoes. When I was just about done outside my phone started to ring. It was my cousin Roger in Los Angeles. He had a rare weekend off too. We talked for 2 hours. It was great. So one of my pictures today is a great memory. When we went to Dodger Stadium last September. On Sunday it was steak time. We grilled a nice chuck steak and made cheese steak sandwiches with green peppers. Miss Gracie didn't want to try the steak. I had a lot of fun making sure she ate her chicken nuggets before her cotton candy ice cream. On Sunday I mowed the lawn one more time. Pretty soon it will be filled with leaves. Then my son Matt stopped by with a surprise present for Gracie after dinner. A new chair for her room. She loved it. Not the most epic weekend in the world but sometimes quiet is good too.
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